Managing Your EU Financing Expectations After BREXIT

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Right after the referendum in June, quite a few charities have actually been seeking our counsel about the effect of the decision to leave the EU. Furthermore, some enterprises have found their projects placed in very uncertain situations, with applications to monetary funds like the ERDF (European hlf evaluation (visit the next page) Regional Development Fund) pending and no solid or consistent guidance from the Government or regional LEPs as to whether or not the funding streams will still come to fruition.

Whilst at this phase no one knows with assurance what the impact will be, we would certainly recommend that non profit organizations confronted with the challenge of an unknown result from European funding follow these essential steps:

1. Don't Panic!

In the years after 2008, charities and not-for-profits across the UK endured one of the most awful periods of recession the nation has ever seen. If you made it through the challenging times of the previous eight years, you are highly likely to make it through BREXIT as well.

2. Talk with existing funders

If you are mid-way through fundraising for a capital undertaking, talk with your present funders now. If they have committed already it is simply because they have confidence in your undertaking and will be understanding of your position - some might even increase their grant offer to cover a possible deficiency.

3. Mitigate

Dealing with the problem directly and providing a brief review of precisely how you plan to mitigate against a potential funding deficiency - looking for other funders, scaling or phasing an undertaking and so on - will certainly be viewed positively by both present and potential benefactors alike, generating confidence in your organisation.

If you need guidance about your growth plans or fundraising difficulties, don't hesitate to call one of our Directors for a casual chat.