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The repair of computers and personal and household goods sector is dominated by micro enterprises (employing fewer than 10 persons), which is perhaps unsurprising given the specialist nature of this activity and the lack of national or international players developing their businesses within this area.

The repair of computers and personal and household goods sector is characterised as a labour-intensive activity. Equally, repair and maintenance services may be provided as a secondary activity by enterprises that are principally manufacturers or distributors of computers and communications equipment.

After a few minutes I told him I was tired and hung up. He called me back ant told me what a MF'er I was for wasting his time and he called me a few other choice words and hung up. I don't know how to stop these guys but they sure showed their unprofessional side.

I asked him several times if he was from Microsoft and also told him that Microsoft doesn't ever call customers in this fashion he then changes his story to say he was from a company Microsoft had hired. If I hadn't previously worked for 10 years as a hardware guy among 400 programmers in a software development company, I would not have had the instant contacts to bring any business in.

Many repair activities, including those presented in this article — or others, such as those related to motor vehicles — often face increased demand during downturns in the overall economic cycle as households and businesses postpone purchases of new capital goods or consumer durables and semi-durables and repair existing items instead; equally demand for repair services may decrease during an upturn in the cycle.

Indeed, they generated less than half (44.1 %) of the added value within the EU-27's repair of computers and personal and household goods sector in 2017, while the relative shares for small enterprises (employing 10 to 49 persons) and for large enterprises (employing 250 or more persons) were considerably higher, at 15.9 % and 27.4 % respectively.

Enterprises providing services for the repair of computers and communications equipment as their principal activity may provide services directly to end clients such as households and business clients, or they may provide specialised services to intermediaries such as manufacturers or distributors.

She then told me that there had been downloaded malicious software on 2 of our computers. I received a call today on a different number, before they could say anything other than they worked for windows, I told them the call was being recorded and they were calling a business line…they hung up immediately.

Application: Allows users to perform one or more specific tasks in any activity field: office applications, for system control and industrial automation, educational reparacion ordenadores madrid software, software Business, database, Telecommunications (Internet), Video games, software Doctor, assisted design software (Cad), software numerical control (Cam).

The particularly low apparent labour productivity for the repair of computers and personal and household goods sector was below the corresponding level for average personnel costs in 2017, resulting in a wage-adjusted labour productivity ratio below parity (85.0 %). As such, the repair of computers and personal and household goods sector had a lower wage-adjusted labour productivity than any of the NACE sections within the non-financial business economy and was the only sector to record a ratio that was under 100 %. The wage-adjusted labour productivity average non-financial business economy was 142.7 %.

The low apparent labour productivity figure for the whole of the EU-27's repair of computers and personal and household goods sector (EUR 25 000 per person employed in 2017) was pulled downwards by the subsector for the repair of personal and household goods which recorded only EUR 18 000 of value added per person employed (in 2017) in contrast to EUR 36 000 per person employed recorded for the repair of computers and communication equipment in 2017.

The relative significance of the repair of computers and personal and household goods sector, in terms of the value added, was also low in EFTA countries , ranging from 0.05 % of the non-financial business economy total in Switzerland; through 0.06 % in Norway to 0.09 % in Iceland.