CompuRed Computers

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The gross operating rate for the EU-27's repair of personal and household goods subsector was 17.9 % in 2017, which was almost 80 % higher than the average for the whole of the non-financial business economy (10.1 %); the gross operating rate for the repair of computers and communication equipment (9.3 %) was slightly below the average.

2 minutes later he came back on asking why I had hung up, I decided to string him along for a while, he went through all the normal things that are reported on the web as a scam i.e. showing me the error report on my pc, carried on till he tried to get me to go to a website to download a programme to take control of my pc where again I told him he was a scammer and rung off.

Second and third highest shares were also recorded for regions in France (Limousin 0.84 % and Poitou-Charentes; 0.78 %). At the other end of the ranking, there were three regions where the contribution of the repair of computers and personal and household goods sector to the non-financial business economy employment was very small, less than 0.1 %, Stredné Slovensko (Slovakia), Mazowiecki regionalny (Poland) and Luxembourg.

I have noticed recently they no longer are making phone calls to scam vulnerable people , they are now using legit microsoft programs to locate any IP's they can connect to and establish connections through common ports like port 80 and port 443 , 6280 and the IPv4 on the wireless adapter, office word 2016, dropbox, and onedrive.

Fortunately, being retired for real now anyway, I don't need the income from this business to survive or else I would be going hungry - especially if I depended only on PC repairs. I was following the call until i have stopped in the enter CMD step, then I I said that I wanted to check in my cell phone if was a scam and the girl began to become nervous theating to choose between continue or block my windows license.

Together these micro enterprises employed 253 900 persons, equivalent to two thirds (68.5 %) of the total employment for the repair of computers and personal and household goods sector. I just hung up after getting a call from a Fastsupport tech from my home phone (which is unlisted).

Out of the 192 900 enterprises that were active in the EU-27's repair of computers and personal and household goods sector in 2017, almost all were classified as micro enterprises (98.6 % of the total). I had someone call me last week and told me that I had a severe virus that several people had been affected by. They said they were working for Microsoft company and his job was to help find and fix all of the pc's that were infected.

Hiring Computer Repair Freelancers in Cologne is quite affordable as compared to a full-time employee and you can save upto 50% in business cost by hiring Computer Repair Freelancer Cologne. The Service Desk Representative, Senior primarily provides ongoing education and support to internal customers.

Apparent labour productivity of the EU-27's repair of computers and personal and household goods sector in 2017 was EUR 25 000 per person employed, which was well below the non-financial business economy reparacion ordenadores madrid average of EUR 49 500 per person employed and second smallest among all NACE sections that constitute the non-financial business economy (after accommodation and food service activities sector).

Business clients with more complex requirements for information technology (IT) services may well receive repair and maintenance services for computers and communications equipment bundled into broader IT services (see the article on information and communication services ) provided by information technology services providers (Division 62).

Even though i wasent aware of this issiue, it took me no longer than 30-90 seconds for me to realise that it was a scam, the english-indian woman claimed to be from the microsoft department in Scottland, and started asking questions about who was the owner of the 2 computers she called about, i then asked her which computers it was since we have 3 or 4 working computers in the household, whereafter she asked to talk to my mother.