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Version vom 5. Juli 2020, 20:40 Uhr von Audrea00I467 (Diskussion | Beiträge)

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Apparent labour productivity of the EU-27's repair of computers and personal and household goods sector in 2017 was EUR 25 000 per person employed, which was well below the non-financial business economy average of EUR 49 500 per person employed and second smallest among all NACE sections that constitute the non-financial business economy (after accommodation and food service activities sector).

The gross operating rate for the EU-27's repair of personal and household goods subsector was 17.9 % in 2017, which was almost 80 % higher than the average for the whole of the non-financial business economy (10.1 %); the gross operating rate for the repair of computers and communication equipment (9.3 %) was slightly below the average.

Business clients with more complex requirements for information technology (IT) services may well receive repair and maintenance services for computers and communications equipment bundled into broader IT services (see the article on information and communication services ) provided by information technology services providers (Division 62).

2 minutes later he came back on asking why I had hung up, I decided to string him along for a while, he went through all the normal things that are reported on the web as a scam i.e. showing me the error report on my pc, carried on till he tried to get me to go to a website to download a programme to take control of my pc where again I told him he was a scammer and rung off.

The low apparent labour productivity figure for the whole of the EU-27's repair of computers and personal and household goods sector (EUR 25 000 per person employed in 2017) was pulled downwards by the subsector for the repair of reparacion ordenadores madrid personal and household goods which recorded only EUR 18 000 of value added per person employed (in 2017) in contrast to EUR 36 000 per person employed recorded for the repair of computers and communication equipment in 2017.

In employment terms, the share of the repair of computers and personal and household goods sector in the non-financial business economy employment peaked at 0.46 % in Spain and 0.44 % in Greece, while shares less than 0.15 % were recorded for Luxembourg and Austria.

Among the 171 NUTS level 2 regions for which data are available in 2017, the median share of the repair of computers and personal and household goods sector in the non-financial business economy employment was 0.3 %. Using this measure, there was only one region among non-financial business economy where employment rose to more than 1.0 % in 2017, namely the French region Alsace.

A young I.T. professional with vast experience in troubleshooting and technical assistant roles, a conscientious team member with a wide understanding of hardware and software installation, as well as component replacement, interpersonal skills to assist customers with computer issues.

I asked him several times if he was from Microsoft and also told him that Microsoft doesn't ever call customers in this fashion he then changes his story to say he was from a company Microsoft had hired. If I hadn't previously worked for 10 years as a hardware guy among 400 programmers in a software development company, I would not have had the instant contacts to bring any business in.

After a few minutes I told him I was tired and hung up. He called me back ant told me what a MF'er I was for wasting his time and he called me a few other choice words and hung up. I don't know how to stop these guys but they sure showed their unprofessional side.

Many repair activities, including those presented in this article — or others, such as those related to motor vehicles — often face increased demand during downturns in the overall economic cycle as households and businesses postpone purchases of new capital goods or consumer durables and semi-durables and repair existing items instead; equally demand for repair services may decrease during an upturn in the cycle.