Glow Sticks Awareness Bracelets and the Relay for Life

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personalized rubber bracelets - The American Cancer Society each year holds an event that anyone can participate in to raise awareness of this particular disease. The event known as "Relay for Life" takes place overnight and is held in various communities around the USA. Because of the number of participants the event takes place in locations such as local parks, fairgrounds or the high schools sports field or gymnasium.

The people who participate do so as teams and throughout the event they take it in turns to run or walk a lap. These people are then sponsored by others for every lap they complete either as an individual as a team and the money raised helps towards fighting cancer. As well as the funds being used to raise awareness of this disease the funds raised are also used to carry out research to help prevent it.

The "Relay for Life" event is very important but for the participants the Luminaria Ceremony which takes place before the relay begins is just as important and special. At the start of this ceremony candles or glow sticks will be produced and lit and either placed on a stage or held to remember those who fight against this disease has been lost. Then following the lighting of the candles or glows sticks prayers are said before a minutes silence takes place so those participant can remember those loved ones they have lost.

This event as mentioned above takes place overnight so many of the participants will camp out in tents close to where the relay is taking place. At many of these campsites the participants have the chance to place in bags lighted candles or glow sticks outside their tents if they want. But due to issues regarding safety most people today are placing several yellow glow sticks into bags outside their tents rather than lighted candles, also many will carry lighted candles or glow sticks as they complete their laps throughout the night.

In many cases the campsite will be awash with light from candles and yellow glow sticks before the Luminaria ceremony begins. They do this at dusk as they feel it helps to set the right sort of mood for when the ceremony does begin.

One thing that makes glow sticks the preferred choice over candles to provide the right sort of light is that should the weather turn a little bad they won't be affected by it. Also a lot of people will use these by placing them on the ground in front of their tents to spell out words which have important meanings to them like "Cure" or "Hope".

Along with participants using glow sticks and candles at this event many will also be wearing Hope bracelets. This again helps to show others how important they feel fighting this cause is and will not only be worn during "Relay for Life" but also on a daily basis. They come in many different colors but are often the pink colored ones which are associated with the fight against cancer.

It is through "Relay for Life", the wearing of these hope bracelets that more and more st kilda hotels people have become aware of the effect that cancer has on people's lives. Today the amount of money raised to carry out research that can help to treat and prevent this disease is great and has reduced the number of people dying from mens bracelets this disease each year.